A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is the most common degree at the highest academic level awarded following a course of study. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. Because it is an earned research degree, those studying for a PhD are required to produce original research that expands the Apr 20, · A PhD is a globally recognized postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities and higher education institutions to a candidate who has submitted a thesis or dissertation, based on extensive and original research in their chosen field PhD degrees Sussex is the ideal place for PhD researchers seeking and contributing to global knowledge in the arts and humanities, the sciences and the social sciences. Find a degree
PhD degree | Department of Computer Science and Technology
Potential applicants should go to the Postgraduate Admissions application information in the first instance. Those who are applying for one of the department's PhD studentships and RA'shipsyou should use the deadline published on the individual job listing. For those applicants who have not secured external scholarships and who wish to be considered for the various University and Cambridge Trusts' funding competitions, applications for the what is phd degree year commencing October open early September The deadline for submission of complete applications is 3rd December Applicants who have secured scholarships funded externally may apply up to the end of June Nonetheless, we recommend submission of the complete application as early as possible.
Applications for admission in October will open in early September and applicants are encouraged to apply early. Applications submitted between mid-May and 30 June will be considered if there is a named potential supervisor who has invited the application, if the application is complete, and if funding is readily available.
Applicants should refer to the Postgraduate Admissions page for links to the application portaldeadlines, what is phd degree, guidance and information, what is phd degree. Please note that your application can only be considered by the department once it has been submitted. Your application can only be submitted if it is complete. You will be able to upload all your supporting material including a research proposal and what is phd degree same time as submitting the application form.
It is therefore very important to have all your supporting material, what is phd degree, including agreement from your referees to provide you with references, your transcripts and research project proposal, ready before you start the application. Applicants wishing to be considered for funding competitions should check their eligibility on the University-wide Sources of Funding web page. The what is phd degree portal acts as a scholarship funding application as well as an application for admission.
In most cases, no further funding application form is required. There are some exceptions, however: we recommend checking what is phd degree Student Funding webpage which provides information about other grants for students applying to Cambridge and their closing dates. The current costs of what is phd degree PhD are available from the Student Registry's Graduate Course Costs what is phd degree Fee Status page. You will need sufficient funding to cover the University Tuition Fee, and at least the minimum maintenance for three years.
Once again, if you wish to apply for one of the department's PhD studentships and RA'shipsyou should use the deadline published on the individual job listing. The Laboratory makes awards to UK and eligible EU students both from funds supplied, for example the EPSRC Doctoral Training grant, and from its own funds such as the Premium Studentship.
In the year starting Octoberthe department will help to fund seven research students from its Doctoral Training grant. These funds are limited and we encourage applicants to seek other funding, for example scholarships from their home countries, to come to Cambridge.
The Funding Panel considers all successful applicants for funding awards within its gift and submits the names of highly ranked home and EU students to the Cambridge Trusts. The Laboratory may also have positions associated with industrial collaborations and particular research projects.
Such studentships are advertised on the University's Jobs web page. Very highly ranked international students will be considered for nomination to the Gates Cambridge Trust and Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme CISS competitions.
The department will contact applicants directly about its internal awards such as the Premium Studentship. It is worth noting that full funding must be secured before starting a course at Cambridge.
Most of the scholarships will not accept applications from students who are already in residence. Do not assert that you will be able to support yourself and hope that something else will turn up once you are in Cambridge. The Faculty's Degree Committee makes recommendations to offer places to successful applicants via the University's central Graduate Admissions Office, the only body with the authority to make an offer of a place as a graduate student. Offers from Graduate Admissions are usually conditional.
A deadline will be set by which date all conditions must be met and, what is phd degree, once met, the offer is confirmed by the Graduate Admissions Office.
Standard conditions include securing sufficient funding for three years to meet the financial conditions of the University and College membership. Additionally, what is phd degree, applicants may be asked to achieve a certain grade in their current studies; to take or retake an English Language proficiency test ; and any other conditions the Graduate Admissions Office might apply. Successful applicants who have applied online may be required to send original documents to the University's Graduate Admissions Office for validation.
We strongly recommend the use of a reputable courier and that you obtain a tracking number, what is phd degree. Please contact the department's Postgraduate Education Manager with any questions not answered above. Email: Graduate Education Manager. Department of Computer Science and Technology William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD. Postgraduate Admissions Office Academic Division Student Services Centre Bene't Street, New Museums Site Cambridge, CB2 3PT, U.
Information provided by pagemaster cst. Privacy policy. Study at Cambridge About the University Research at Cambridge. Search site. Study at Cambridge Undergraduate Courses Applying Events and open days Fees and finance Student blogs and videos.
Postgraduate Why Cambridge Course directory How to apply Fees Funding Frequently asked questions. International students Continuing education Executive and professional education Courses in education. About the University How the University and Colleges work History Visiting the University Term dates and calendars Map. For media Video and audio Find an expert Publications International Cambridge, what is phd degree.
News Events Public engagement Jobs Giving to Cambridge. Research at Cambridge. Home Admissions. Log in with Raven. PhD degree. Department of Computer Science and Technology Admissions PhD in Computer Science Application forms Research Proposal Funding competitions and grants Premium Research Studentship Admissions information Undergraduate admissions MPhil in Advanced Computer Science.
Please note the following: Applications for funding support from the University and Cambridge Trusts must be submitted earlier than the deadline above: see University funding deadlines.
Research students what is phd degree admitted to the Certificate of Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science see CPGS in the first instance. Applicants will also need to include a brief research abstract within the section of the application form which asks for a research topic and to indicate a potential supervisor's name. Please note that there is an application fee, what is phd degree.
Applications are considered as they are received. Funding competitions and grants Applicants wishing to be considered for funding competitions should check their eligibility on the University-wide Sources of Funding web page, what is phd degree. Home and EU Students The Laboratory makes awards to UK and eligible EU students both from funds supplied, for example the EPSRC Doctoral Training grant, and from its own funds such as the Premium Studentship.
International students Very highly ranked international students will be considered for nomination to the Gates Cambridge Trust and Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme CISS competitions. Admission conditions The Faculty's Degree Committee makes recommendations to offer places to successful applicants via the University's central Graduate Admissions Office, the only body with the authority to make an offer of a place as a graduate student.
Contacts Please contact the department's Postgraduate Education Manager with any questions not answered above. Contact us William Gates Building JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge. CB3 0FD Information provided by pagemaster cst. uk Privacy policy. Social media Facebook Twitter YouTube.
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What is Doctor of Philosophy?, Explain Doctor of Philosophy, Define Doctor of Philosophy
, time: 4:09MD-PhD Dual Degree Training | AAMC

In this article, we profile the 10 best ABA PhD degree programs of Applied behavior analysis PhD programs prepare students with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to conduct behavioral research and design treatment plans to remedy behavior-related problems A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is the most common degree at the highest academic level awarded following a course of study. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. Because it is an earned research degree, those studying for a PhD are required to produce original research that expands the A PhD is an academic degree focused on original research, data analysis, and the evaluation of theory. A professional doctorate focuses on applying research to practical problems, formulating solutions to complex issues, and designing effective professional practices within your field
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