Leptin levels are thought to play a role in long-term regulation of caloric intake and fat deposition. However, the long-term changes in leptin levels during this pattern of fasting are not known. The study was conducted on lean (N=6, BMI=+/) and obese Jun 18, · This paper focuses on obesity as the main cause of health problems in the modern world. Overview. Obesity is regarded as one of the leading causes of death across the world. Many studies have revealed that prevalence of overweight and obesity is higher in developed countries than in developing blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Jun 18, · For instance, the obesity policy paper will focus on measures of improving awareness about the disease and pushing the society to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Another aspect that seems to suggest that the objectives of this proposal are achievable is engaging the community stakeholders in fighting the war against obesity
Journals - The Obesity Society
Special offer! Promo code: SAVE Childhood obesity is a major problem in the United States. Childhood obesity is characterized by a Body Mass Index — the body weight kilograms divided by the height meters — of 95th percentile or higher. It is a significant public health issue because a majority of the processes that lead up to obesity start in early childhood. The World Health Organization says that over million children globally are estimated to be suffering from obesity.
The organization attributes this to poor lifestyle choices such as eating habits and lack of physical exercise. This research aims at establishing the role of poor eating habits in exposing children to obesity and overweight. It will investigate the impact of poor nutrition in the prevalence of childhood obesity. For this study to develop a comprehensive policy direction that will effectively combat the spiraling trend of childhood obesity, it will be necessary to investigate the environmental factors that contribute to poor dietary behaviors among children.
Exposure to TV food advertising obesity research papers easy access to fast foods are the environmental factors that influence children to prefer certain types of foods at the expense of more nutritionally beneficial ones. Data will be analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The research design shall adopt a mixed approach that integrates both the qualitative and quantitative approach to research.
The researcher expects to confirm the hypothesis that dietary behavior is linked to childhood obesity, obesity research papers. This hypothesis is linked to findings obesity research papers from secondary research that shows that intake of vast amounts of fast foods and sugary beverages can potentially lead to childhood obesity and overweight.
It is also expected that the data will show that the overweight or obese children eat fast foods more regularly than normal-weight children. Finally, the research will prove that a proper diet is the most effective strategy to prevent childhood obesity. Obesity in children is an issue of growing concern not just in the U.
but the entire the world. According to World Health Organization, childhood obesity is among the most serious health issues affecting children of school going age across the world WHO, In the United States, the prevalence of this condition keeps increasing. For instance, it increased Obesity, defined, means a high body mass index BMIreading beyond the 95th percentile. BMI is obtained by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters. A public health crisis, as described by Dawesdenotes a public health problem affecting a large population segment, yielding far-reaching health repercussions, and condemns society to a huge financial burden.
Childhood obesity by all standards fits this description. Society would thus realize significant gains in public health if childhood obesity would be prevented or effectively controlled, obesity research papers. According to Danielsobesity research papers, childhood obesity is a significant contributor to cardiovascular diseases later in life. It is also linked to obesity research papers health problems related to the metabolic system, disorders that only adults suffered from but are increasingly appearing in children as well Daniels, Childhood obesity also leads to obesity research papers health problems later on obesity research papers life, even if such problems are not manifested in early life.
Daniels notes that recent research shows that young people today have higher blood pressures than did those in the previous decade. This study will investigate the kinds of foods that obesity research papers a part in the development of obesity in children in the United States. Childhood obesity prevalence in the United States has been widely documented in obesity research papers literature.
Among the factors that have been established as contributing to obesity in children are genetic predisposition, nutritional factors, and lack of physical exercise World Health Organization, This research will investigate the impact of poor nutrition on weight gain and obesity in children. According to the World Health Organizationover million children globally are estimated to be suffering from obesity, obesity research papers.
The high prevalence has been attributed to poor lifestyle choices such as eating habits and lack of physical exercise WHO, Heart ailments, type 2 diabetes, and various cancers are the obesity-related diseases that cause early mortality and long-term morbidity, making childhood obesity a significant public health challenge. Warren et al attribute lifestyle changes to the increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity, obesity research papers.
Long-term treatment of obesity is often very difficult, which makes prevention a viable and cost-effective option Warren et al, Deghnan, Akhtar-Danesh, and Merchant attribute increased intake of energy-rich foods to the increase in the prevalence of childhood obesity. The authors assert that, obesity research papers, because food has become cheaper in recent times with the general increase in incomes and reduced cost of living, access to various types of foods has increased and shifted the perception of food from a source of nourishment to that of pleasure Deghman, Akhtar-Danesh, and Merchant, To compound the problem, the authors conclude that research has shown that the fattening effects of increased intake of energy-rich foods is not necessarily offset by a corresponding increase in physical activity, making eating patterns the obesity research papers most significant contributor to childhood obesity.
Children who frequently eat fast foods are more prone to being obese because of the high fat and sugar content of the meals Deghman, Akhtar-Danesh, obesity research papers, and Merchant, However, obesity research papers, she warns that weight control should not be allowed to dominate the health agenda of children to the exclusion of other concerns such as their psychological and social wellbeing, obesity research papers.
Proper nutrition should, therefore, emphasize the eating of balanced meals rather than limiting food intake. The eating habits of children should be closely monitored to ensure that they do not pick the wrong eating habits from their peers and the mass media.
According to Lumengchildren pick their eating habits from their peers beginning from a very early age. The author cites research findings that show that children as young as two years acquire their food preferences from their peers and advertisements. Advertisers have realized the fact that children will eat what they see other children eating, and use children or characters that appeal to them to sell food meant for children. Sinnott asserts that food advertisements have a role to play in the establishment of poor eating habits in children that cause obesity, alongside other factors such as the time they spend indoors playing video games or watching TV.
According to the American Academy of Pediatricsthe excessive consumption of fast foods and soda and a decrease in the amount of cereal fiber, obesity research papers, fruits, and vegetables by children increase the risk factors for obesity. Food advertisements targeted at children tend to market fast foods and sweets which increase their predisposition to obesity, obesity research papers, while vending machines in schools contain sugary beverages and snacks.
There is also a strong positive correlation between high intake of sugary beverages and soft drinks by children and obesity. They also say that there is a correlation between fat intake and obesity. This means that fast foods, which comprise of foods high in fats and sugary drinks, are responsible for the rise in prevalence of obesity in the US, obesity research papers. In addition, obesity research papers, Davis et al.
This research will investigate the eating habits of 6 to year-olds in Washington DC and weight trends. The purpose will be to establish the eating patterns that contribute to overweight and obesity. The next section presents data collection tools and analysis.
Friedman and Schwartz assert that the simplest causal explanation for the high prevalence of childhood obesity in the contemporary American society is the huge difference between the amount of energy that is taken in and the amount that is expended through physical activity.
This explanation alludes to the fact that children are eating too much of energy-rich foods but are not taking part in activities that can utilize this energy.
Friedman and Schwartz say that, to develop a comprehensive policy direction that will effectively combat the spiraling trend of childhood obesity, it is important to investigate the environmental factors that contribute to poor dietary behaviors among children. This conclusion alludes to the notion that there are environmental factors that influence children to prefer certain types of foods at the expense of more nutritionally beneficial ones.
Certainly, the impact of food advertising on childhood obesity is a current point of focus for many researchers interested in finding out how poor obesity research papers contributes to obesity. Friedman and Schwartzobesity research papers, p. This conclusion is also taken up by Lumengwho avers that television food advertising is a great culprit in contributing to poor eating habits among children, ergo childhood obesity.
Such a policy can be implemented at multi-levels, including national, state, and local. They also suggest school nutritional education as a great way of reversing negative eating habits and inculcating better nutritional behavior among children. McClaskey cite the Upper Cardozo Medical Clinic in Washington DC as one of the success stories among childhood obesity prevention programs in the country targeting the poor and underserved communities that have also been affected by the pandemic.
The clinic uses the medical home model in which the patients are provided with round-the-clock care that takes cognizance of their cultural values and beliefs and in which there is a constant ongoing relationship between the patients and their caregivers as well as coordination of caregiving between obesity research papers services and health providers McClaskey, The general aim of the Upper Cardozo program was to provide overweight and obese children aged between 7 obesity research papers 13 years and their parents with a proper environment that was safe and easily accessible in which to learn better nutritional choices and physical activities that could help control and even reverse childhood obesity.
The literature reveals that one of the most comprehensive approaches to childhood obesity management involves a multi-dimensional approach involving the use of combined nutritional and activity-based interventions, cognitive-behavioral aspect, obesity research papers, activities aimed at parents, tracking the activities of their bodies and a positive approach to limiting sedentary behavior and poor eating habits McClaskey, While focusing on the multi-tiered approach to combating childhood obesity, the nutritional factor remains one of the biggest areas in which to focus, obesity research papers.
The study shall utilize qualitative data analysis involving the examination and analysis of the available literature on childhood obesity. Quantitative data analysis shall also be undertaken on quantitative evidence pointing to the prevalence of childhood obesity, obesity research papers.
The aim will be to establish correlations between eating patterns and the incidence of obesity research papers obesity. The data shall be obtained from books, health journals, credible Internet sources, policy papers, guidelines, and national reports.
A qualitative analysis of the data shall guide conclusions as to the impact of food intake on incidence of obesity, the contribution of TV food advertising to the prevalence of childhood obesity, obesity research papers, and the most effective nutrition-based interventions.
According to Tewksburyqualitative data analysis looks for the defining characteristics, traits, and meanings of phenomena under study, while quantitative data analysis measures quantities of variables to establish a pattern to enable the researcher to establish a generalized obesity research papers about the phenomenon.
Qualitative analysis seeks to establish interpretations of phenomena, giving a holistic view of their occurrence, providing contextual and environmental analyses, and deeper understanding Tewksbury, Eating habits and their relationship to weight gain will be analyzed qualitatively. The data that will be captured from the literature shall be both qualitative and quantitative, hence the necessity to analyze it quantitatively and qualitatively.
The research methodology to be used in this study is discussed in the next section. The researcher has opted for the mixed approach, which is a methodology that integrates qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research shall adopt a mixed approach that integrates both the qualitative and quantitative approach to research.
Borrego, Douglas, and Armelink describe four criteria for establishing whether to use a mixed research methodology. These criteria are; 1 whether the study uses mixed qualitative and quantitative approaches method in the research process, particularly in data collection and analysis procedures as well as theoretical grounding of the research, 2 provision for a detailed description of both qualitative and quantitative procedures as well as sequential and concurrent data collection and analysis, 3 inclusion of obesity research papers relevant characteristics of mixed method approaches, 4 awareness of the challenges of using the mixed method.
These challenges include threats to validity, specifically sampling, sample size, and integration phases Borrego, Douglas and Armelink, Bryman analyzes the inherent challenges that could impede the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to come up with the mixed approach. These potential challenges include such issues as inherent difficulties in linking the analyses of quantitative and qualitative data.
This challenge may be overcome by keeping in mind the rationales for adopting the mixed method and to reconcile the rationales and the type of use for the research Bryman, The mixed approach will be advantageous for this study because of the different types of data that will be generated, and that might require a concerted approach to analysis.
The mixed approach has the potential of providing a more holistic view of the phenomenon than either qualitative or quantitative approaches used singly, obesity research papers. By addressing the potential shortcomings in data analysis as outlined by Brymanthe researcher will be able to fully benefit from the advantages of obesity research papers the mixed approach. The next section will discuss some of the expected findings from the research. This hypothesis is linked to findings obtained from secondary research that shows that intake of vast amounts of fast foods and sugary beverages have a strong positive correlation with obesity and overweight risk.
It is obesity research papers that the data will reveal patterns showing that children who regularly eat fast foods and sugary beverages tend to be overweight and obese compared to children who do not.
It is also expected that the data will show that the children who are overweight or obese obesity research papers of greater amounts of fast foods and far more regularly compared to normal-weight children.
Obesity Genetic Research Network, Dept. of Clinical Genetics, Amsterdam University Medical Centers
, time: 6:15Obesity Research Paper, with Outline - blogger.com

Obesity Research Paper Abstract. Obesity has increasingly been identified as a critical global public health concern. This focus on obesity as a Introduction. There has been a dramatic rise in the prevalence of obesity globally in the last three decades, and the Definition. Obesity is most Pediatric Obesity. is a leading journal presenting high-quality papers that contain the latest research on obesity during childhood and adolescence. Topics include: Genetic, molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of obesity—basic, applied and clinical studies; Metabolic consequences of child and adolescent obesity Jun 18, · This paper focuses on obesity as the main cause of health problems in the modern world. Overview. Obesity is regarded as one of the leading causes of death across the world. Many studies have revealed that prevalence of overweight and obesity is higher in developed countries than in developing blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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