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Eric Amidi reviews and his readers rate various types of contents such as books, digital programs, courses, doctor eric amidi resume, and movies on this site. Eric is a best selling author and scientist with interests in particle physics, doctor eric amidi resume science, and self improvement. His work in artificial intelligence and quantum physics contributed to the discovery of the Top Quark in Reviews presented here serve as a free form exploration of a wide range of topics that interest Dr.
Eric Amidi and his fans. Hopefully, this will be a catalyst for promoting critical thinking and adopting the great habit of reading.
What was the last good book you read? That question might stir up feelings doctor eric amidi resume guilt as you search your brain for an answer. Today, the number of people picking up literature books is on the decline. Unfortunately, the type of reading getting done in our modern world often consists of Facebook posts, tweets and reading Instagram photo descriptions.
Just get people to stop reading them. Consistent reading naturally expands your vocabulary. How might expanding your vocabulary help you in life? When you have more words at the tip of your tongue, it becomes easier to communicate with others effectively. Each word has its own emotional nuances, which are only unique to that word.
By expanding your vocabulary, you expand the ways you can express your emotions and communicate with others. In other words, you become more intelligent emotionally. When it comes to your career, you may find that your confidence is boosted when talking with higher-level management people at work. When they notice how well you speak, it may help when it comes to deciding between you and another person regarding that next promotion opportunity.
Helping your children in this way helps improve self-esteem, doctor eric amidi resume. We live in a world where communication is vital.
Reading will help your children become confident as they realize they can converse well in any life situation. Jennifer Duffy is a Graduate School Dissertation Chair at Northcentral University. Every great thing that has ever happened in human history started as a dream — an improbable fairy tale. Once you acquire knowledge, it can never be taken away from you. Reading helps in this area.
It becomes easier to tackle life challenges as you become more knowledgeable, doctor eric amidi resume. You never know how the knowledge gained from reading a good book today will help you down the road.
Even a good fiction novel might help in this area. For example, a novel may make references to real world ideas that help you better understand that topic. Most people understand that the body needs frequent workouts in order to stay strong. Did you know that your brain works the same way? Going further, reading helps keep you healthier as you get older. A lack of reading might be the only thing contributing to your memory issues. Reading improves memory because it requires keeping track of many moving parts.
You need to remember names of characters, how they relate to one another and their background information. You need to keep track of the plot and various sub-plots. Unlike a movie, reading a book requires your brain to use its power of visualization to bring the story to life for you. Nothing is given to you except the words. Your brain must work to remember it all and visualize what it looks like. Keep in mind that every memory you create strengthens brain synapses.
Science backs up this idea. Simply put, reading makes you think. Reading is another story altogether because you must think through what your brain is digesting. Have you ever read a mystery and figured out who did it before you finished reading the story? That was the analytical and critical thinking parts of your brain kicking in. Joining a book club helps in doctor eric amidi resume area.
Getting together with others to share the book experience forces you to think critically as you explain what you read, analyze the plot, the interaction of characters, etc. The era of multi-tasking means your mind is taken into many different directions throughout each and every day. Consider what happens when your brain is distracted by checking email, looking at a text, chatting on Facebook, looking at the latest Twitter notification and actually performing at work.
And all of that within a matter of doctor eric amidi resume One study reveals that this type of lifestyle creates an inability to control emotions and maintain attention effectively. Try pulling out a physical book. Turn off the phone, Internet and television. Reading a story fiction of non-fiction helps your brain concentrate on one task.
Over time, the result is an overall improvement in your ability to stay focused and concentrate on one thing at a time. Reading helps you write better. The reason is that reading exposes you to a variety of writing styles. It helps you understand how to improve the use of fluidity and cadence inside your own writing style. Why would you want to become a better writer if your profession has nothing doctor eric amidi resume do with being an author?
Writing well translates to writing better resumes, crafting more powerful reports at work and communicating properly through email. Many people today branch out into writing articles for a blog or social media. Reading helps improve your ability in all these areas. This relates back to the area of improving your focus and doctor eric amidi resume. The act of reading gets you focused on one task. It brings a sense of calm as get involved in the story and you let the world fade away for a little while.
At the same time that reading helps reduce stress, it also increases the ability to feel empathy toward others. Studies prove the two above points. In fact, one study revealed that reading was more effective at decreasing stress than other recommended activities, doctor eric amidi resume, such as drinking tea, taking a walk or listening to music.
Reading helps improve emotional intelligence in a variety of ways. We already discussed vocabulary doctor eric amidi resume critical thinking skills. These two areas combine to help express emotions and to think through challenges more effectively. Other ways reading helps with emotional intelligence is to improve social interaction by helping the reader relate to othersproducing real emotion how you react to a story and how it moves you to cry or laugh and improving your feelings of self awareness becoming closer to your own emotions as you relate to others.
When you read a novel, for example, you get a chance to see the world from the perspective of different characters in the book. If nothing else, books are the means to transfer knowledge and experience from one person to another. One glance at a book and you doctor eric amidi resume the voice of another person, doctor eric amidi resume, perhaps someone dead for 1, years. To read is to voyage through time. Reflect on this for a minute.
Nothing can be more valuable than that. In effect, you get to live many live in one. Build a reading list: Start making a list of what you want to read. As it grows, your motivation to dig in will grow. Go to a library: Looking at Amazon is wonderful but consider going to a library and embracing the physical nature of seeing books everywhere!
It might spark the feelings of being a child and experiencing being around books for the first time, doctor eric amidi resume. Read to someone: Consider reading to your child or an elderly person. Sharing the experience will help doctor eric amidi resume stay committed to the habit, doctor eric amidi resume. You may find that some chapters are unnecessary for your situation. Skip those and read the chapters that are most relevant, doctor eric amidi resume.
Use a highlighter: As you read, highlight areas that jump out to you. This makes it easy to reference these sections later. The act of highlighting also helps you remember the information. The act of writing it out helps to better absorb the information. Try summarize the book into few basic concepts that the author tries to convey. These summarized points will stay with you while the details may not. Reading improves many areas of your life.
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Remarkable Benefits of Reading What was the last good book you read? Impact on Your Career When it comes to your career, you may find that your confidence is boosted when talking with higher-level management people at work.
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