The thesis defended in this Article is that using a negative discount rate to evaluate climate policies may be justified. This conclusion follows from two important steps, each of which is an interesting separate thesis. First, different policies should be evaluated with different discount Cited by: 58 Discounting the future and the remote The role of culture in climate change understanding and reactions Research suggestions Summary Section 2: What are the human behavioral contributions to climate change 50 climate change (e.g., extreme weather events like droughts or floods) is low on average in places Aug 11, · Nordhaus thinks climate change requires only a modest response now, with more significant action delayed for decades (read more in A Question of Balance and The Climate Casino). The discount rate
Thomas Piketty, climate change and discounting our future
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Toggle navigation Carolina Digital Repository. Help Contact Us Login. Browse Everything Collections Departments Deposit Go. Climate Change Adaptation Preparedness in Developing Countries: A Study of 21 Countries and Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Studies in Akwa Ibom and Lagos States in Nigeria Public Deposited. You do not have access to any existing collections. You may create a new collection. Downloadable Content Download PDF. Citation Request Accessible Version.
MLA Ojomo, Edema. Climate Change Adaptation Preparedness In Developing Countries: A Study of 21 Discounting and climate change dissertation and Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Studies In Akwa Ibom and Lagos States In Nigeria. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, APA Ojomo, E. Climate Change Adaptation Preparedness in Developing Countries: A Study of 21 Countries and Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Studies in Akwa Ibom and Lagos States in Nigeria.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, discounting and climate change dissertation. Chicago Ojomo, Edema. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Last Modified March 22, Creator Ojomo, Edema Affiliation: Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Abstract Global climate change discounting and climate change dissertation projected to have disproportionate adverse impacts on water quality and availability in low-resource settings.
Therefore, it is essential that developing countries assess their vulnerabilities and develop strategies to improve their resilience. This thesis presents two research studies on climate change adaptation preparedness in developing countries. In the first study, the policies and programs of 21 developing countries were analyzed to determine adaptation preparedness. In study countries, preparedness varied widely. However, discounting and climate change dissertation, in general, even those countries that have prioritized preparedness for climate change need to implement several additional policies and practices to ensure adequate adaptation.
In the second study, a knowledge, attitudes, and practices KAP study of policy makers and university students was carried out in Nigeria to determine the level of awareness of climate change.
Study participants understood the causes of climate change but less so the effects. More awareness is needed for both study populations. Parents: This work has no parents. Items Thumbnail Title Date Uploaded Visibility Actions pdf Public Press to Select an action Download, discounting and climate change dissertation.
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This dissertation focuses on flood control and water supply adaptations to climate change. For water supply, potential climate warming impacts on surface runoff, groundwater inflows and reservoir evaporation for distributed locations in the inter-tied water system of California are analyzed. Increasing winter flows and decreasing spring Discounting And Climate Change Dissertation, example of a college application essay, argumentative essay on multiple sclerosis, how to add sounds in an essay No thanks, i dont want any discount there is a need for non-experts to be meaningfully engaged with the issue of climate change. This thesis investigates the value of engaging non-experts with climate change at the individual level. Research demonstrates that individuals perceive climate change as temporally and spatially remote, and not of personal concern
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