Jan 11, · Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Topics. The concept of corporate social responsibility has gained tremendous importance in recent times, thanks to growing social and environmental concerns that need to be integrated into business operations Disclaimer: If you need a custom written term, thesis or research paper as well as an essay or dissertation sample, choosing Online Essay Help - a relatively cheap custom writing service - is a great option. Get any needed writing assistance at a price that every average student can afford Feb 01, · Make your Graduate Thesis Work for You! The best way to publish your academic thesis or dissertation. Large scale, world-wide commercial distribution in both paperback and PDF formats.$ base charge
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By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors. Presented here is a selection of theses and dissertations from the School of Law. Please note that this is not a complete record of all degrees awarded by the School. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders.
All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
View more. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Law thesis and dissertation collection Browse By By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors. Taxonomy of non-pecuniary losses in English tort law: normative losses and Consequential losses as organising concepts Gutierrez Raymondova, Arantxa Telenia The University of Edinburgh Even though non-pecuniary losses are of great practical importance and arguably they are familiar to any actor in the legal system, the field is hugely understudied and there is a considerable lack of theorisation in several Words matter: human rights language in the United Nations' counter-terrorism law, policy and proceedings Bhatt, Vivek The University of Edinburgh This thesis critically analyses the mobilisation of the language of human rights by and within three UN principal organs involved in counter-terrorism: The General Assembly, the Security Council and the office of the Expert paediatric evidence in alleged infant harm: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
The aim of this thesis is to investigate and further understanding of the interaction between paediatricians corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis expert opinion evidence in cases of alleged child abuse and the various fact-findings tribunals who Fishing power Europe: examining the EU's normativity in its external fisheries action Vatsov, Mihail Petrov The University of Edinburgh The EU is a major fishing power, portraying itself as a normative actor and as a champion of sustainable fishing.
This thesis Legislative scrutiny on constitutional grounds in the Corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis Kingdom Parliament: the contribution of constitutional committees to political? responsibility for the constitution Grez Hidalgo, Pablo Salvador The University of Edinburgh This thesis focuses on institutional arrangements designed to strengthen the ability of political institutions to assess the constitutional implications of legislation in the law-making process.
It sheds light in the Augmenting employee protection during hostile takeovers of private sector companies in China: lessons from the German co-determination model Chi, Shunyu The University of Edinburgh China is currently undergoing a wave of corporate takeovers and accordingly, hostile takeovers are projected to rise. Female directors on board: the roadmap for India Jaiswal, Anindita The University of Edinburgh This statement explains the core of this thesis, which aims to craft a future roadmap for India in relation to boardroom corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis diversity.
In line with global Critical infrastructure: a social worlds study of values, design and resistance in Tor and the Tor community Collier, Ben James The University of Edinburgh While cybercrime research has become well-established within criminology, there is very little criminological research which treats the infrastructures and platforms of the Internet as subjects of criminological enquiry.
Private property, freedom and power Salgado Muñoz, Constanza The University of Edinburgh This thesis aims to shed light on a central aspect of private property: the limits that it imposes on the freedom of non-owners and its potential implications.
To the extent that private property does not depend on the Penal transformations: the case of the Chilean juvenile justice system Rodriguez Gutierrez, Daniela Francisca The University of Edinburghcorporate social responsibility dissertation thesis, This thesis explores the major transformation of the Chilean juvenile justice system that was implemented in However, this is a much longer process that involves analysing the inter-relationship between polity building, Criminal procedures in early Seventeenth-Century Scotland: a medieval legacy?
Pleading and proving in the case of Isobel Young, prosecuted for witchcraft Bourhis, Julien Jean-Paul The University of Edinburgh This thesis explores, through a fresh reading of the court proceedings of a witchcraft case, how the procedures that were used to deal with that crime in Scotland may affect our views on Scots criminal law in the early Economising international tax dispute resolution: transaction-cost perspective Cai, Qiang The University of Edinburgh Offshore renewable energy has been developed as an important source of clean energy for achieving sustainable development and tackling climate change.
Whilst the generation of energy from the water, corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis, current and wind Exploring the relationship between capital, inequality, and antisocial behaviour in Mexican schools Pantoja Núñez, corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis, Luis Fernando The University of Edinburgh Various studies have linked poverty and inequality with problems in schools, including antisocial behaviour ASB.
However, many of these studies have two important limitations that have shaped our view about these Complementarity between the Nagoya Protocol and human rights: legal implications of the principle of mutual supportiveness with respect to indigenous peoples and local communities corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis Zheng, Xiaoou The University of Edinburgh This is a research corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis on the potential complementarity between the Nagoya Protocol and the international human rights law with respect to Indigenous peoples and local communities IPLCs.
The Nagoya Protocol is a Effective and flexible emissions trading markets: international emission trading by networking carbon markets on distributed ledger technology architecture — regulatory and institutional frameworks Macinante, Justin Damian The University of Edinburgh Notwithstanding the apparent lack of success of international emission trading under the Kyoto Protocol, numerous jurisdictions are implementing mitigation mechanisms that put a price on carbon, whether by taxing activities Justice and society in Strathspey: the Regality Court of Grant, c.
Historians have debated the importance of these franchise courts in the everyday What does Privacy by Design mean for Digital Rights Management? This thesis sets out the privacy by design provisions in the draft GDPR, before considering the primary DRM approaches and the ways in which they can be abused to undermine user privacy.
It describes the infamous Sony BMG Data portability as a new means of data protection? Examining the right to data portability in the EU General Data Protection Regulation Li, Wenlong The University of Edinburghcorporate social responsibility dissertation thesis, On 25 Maythe General Data Protection Regulation GDPR came into effect across the European Union.
This new Regulation has a number of innovations, notably including a new right for the data subject to port Historical development of Roman Maritime Law during the Late Republic and Early Principate Candy, Peter Frank The University of Edinburgh In the period between the end of the Second Punic War and the early Principate, several sources of evidence combine to indicate that the Roman economy experienced some measure of probably real growth, corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis.
At the same time, Search ERA. This Collection. Login Register. Author Newlands, William Michie 2 Abdel Rahman, El Faith El Rasheed 1 Abel, corporate social responsibility dissertation thesis, Wiebke 1 Abidin, Handa Satyanugraha 1 Abrahamsson, Nils Håkan 1 Adler, Michael 1 Adler, Ruth M 1 Agozino, Onwubiko 1 Aitken, Dinah 1 Al Neyadi, Matar Hamed Hlais View More Subject Law 35 enforcement 10 Prisons 10 Scotland 9 human rights 8 law 7 regulation 7 Scots law 7 copyright 6 international law View More Date Issued - - - 1 Supervisor Laurie, Graeme 11 Sparks, Richard 11 Harrison, James 10 Bankowski, Zenon 9 Tierney, Stephen 9 Walker, Neil 8 Boyle, Alan 7 McAra, Lesley 7 Michelon, Claudio 7 Craufurd-Smith, Rachael View More Has File s Yes
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility
, time: 4:37CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): Advantages and Disadvantages
Disclaimer: If you need a custom written term, thesis or research paper as well as an essay or dissertation sample, choosing Online Essay Help - a relatively cheap custom writing service - is a great option. Get any needed writing assistance at a price that every average student can afford Nov 01, · Corporate social responsibility or CSR is a self-regulating business model that allows a company to be socially accountable not only to itself but also to its stakeholders and the public. If that definition went over your head, here is a simpler explanation for you Jan 11, · Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Topics. The concept of corporate social responsibility has gained tremendous importance in recent times, thanks to growing social and environmental concerns that need to be integrated into business operations
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