International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 1 ISSN blogger.com A Study on factors influencing consumer buying behavior in cosmetic Products A,blogger.comh Kumar 1 blogger.comin John2, blogger.com 3 1Research Scholar,Karunya University,CoimbatoreFile Size: KB The paper "Buying Behavior Types" Is a wonderful example of a Marketing Research Paper. Consumers have four main types of buying behavior influenced by different factors relating to consumer needs. This behavior includes; complex behavior, dissonance tendencies, variety-seeking, and habitual purchasing traits behavior Summary. The paper "Consumer Behaviour: Personality and Lifestyle" is a perfect example of marketing coursework. The effects of consumer behavior have been important in economists’ research areas for the economic impacts that came with the phenomenon. Despite the numerous research activities, scholars have only been able to produce the
Consumer Buying Behavior and Decision Making Process Research Paper - blogger.com
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Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. com Study of Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers Dr. Shweta Choudhary Assistant Professor Shri G.
Institute of Technology and Science, Indore Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal and declared autonomous by AICTE and UGC Madhya Pradesh — India Abstract: Impulse buying is a behavior which has buying behavior research paper portrayed by all of us one or the other time. Impulse buying is an unplanned purchase by the consumer which is an important part of the buying behavior.
At many times our inner urge or temptation to purchase a particular thing intensifies to such an extent that without a degree of planning we jump into purchase. It is not only the kids who resort to impulse behavior but many times the adults of rational mind displays the impulsive. There are lots of factors that influence the rash decision of impulse buying of an individual such as- discount offers, behavior of the sales person, buying behavior research paper of the product, nature of the product, buying behavior research paper, situation of the customer, personal characteristics of the shopper, etc, buying behavior research paper.
In brick and mortar retailing, impulse behavior has become an important source of revenue for the business. The marketers attempt to practice all the tactics to tap the impulsive behavior of the consumer. The present research is a conceptual study which focuses on understanding the impulse buying behavior of the cusotomers, as well as the factors responsible for that.
Key Words- Consumers, Impulse buying, buying behavior research paper, Temptation, Unplanned purchase. It aims at analyzing the decision making process of a consumer whether in group or individually.
There are many factors including family, friends, society that influences consumers. Based on consumer behavior, companies plan their production. In order to crack the sales it is very important for the companies to focus on consumer behavior. Impulsive Buying An impulsive buying refers to purchasing or acquisition of goods on impulse rather than from premeditation.
In other words impulsive purchasing means an unplanned decision to purchase any service or merchandise. With the help of various in-store influencers retailers are attempting to convert browsers into spenders. Since s research has been undertaken in the field of consumer research to understand the concept of impulsive buying. Impulsive buying is unplanned shopping done in reaction to an external trigger like on seeing the desired product in the shop.
Internal motivation triggers impulsive shopping. Shweta et al. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies Volume 2, Issue 9, September pg. S are more impulsive as compared to other nations. Impulsive buying tendency can be linked to personality trait which triggers a person making impulsive purchase a habit. Many a times to lighten their mood buyers buy in a impulsive manner.
Impulsive buyers are not much concerned about the results of their spending pattern. Apart from all these price also is a contributing factor.
A number of buying behavior research paper go for impulsive purchasing just due to the reason it was on discount. Temptations like stock clearances or offers for premium customers also promote impulsive buying. These two type of buying behavior research paper can be termed as behavioral pattern controlled by brain.
However impulsive buying may not always be unintentional, say for example some gamblers plan beforehand to pursue their impulsive behavior. Compulsive shopping is motivated from inward while external factors triggers impulsive shopping.
Compulsiveness appears to be more linked with increased frontal lobe activity while in case of impulsiveness it can be said to be more associated with reduced frontal lobe activity. Initially impulsive buyers experience pleasure which lose quality with passage of time. It can be said that impulsive shopping is mostly performed to obtain pleasure or satisfaction while in case of compulsive buying it is conducted to alleviate nervousness or soreness, buying behavior research paper.
Compulsive buying can be positively related with offline shopping while impulsive buying is positively related to online shopping. Personal Characteristics Contributing To Impulsive Buying All individual vary from each other in ways of shopping. Addiction: With the changing social scenario shopping is developing as an addiction. Age: Age is one of the imperative factors that influence impulsive shopping.
It has been observed that younger shoppers are more impulsive as compared to elder ones. However in developing countries like Pakistan where younger generation due to lack of independent source of income is very much dependent on their family no such trend can be observed, buying behavior research paper. Income: People belonging to high income group having high disposable income can be assumed to be more impulsive buyer as compared to people with low disposable income.
Acting on impulse many people do shopping but afterwards regret doing so. Hampers rational thinking: Impulsive shopping makes buyer behave irrational. Wastage: Impulsive buying is mainly based on visual appeal. For impulsive buyers seeing is buying. Buying behavior research paper is predicted that by the average age in India will be As per a report by Ac Nielsen customers spend 42 per cent of their monthly expenditure on products in the grocery category Peter, According to Sinha Indian Customers is orientated towards shopping because of the entertainment that can be derived out of it.
In his studies Bajaj et alp. Impulsive buying can be referred as deeply rooted phenomenon in the individual trait of the consumers. References 1. Willett, Consumer impulse purchasing behavior, Journal of Marketing Research, 4 February Crawford, and T. Melewar, The importance of impulse purchase buying behavior research paper in the International Airport Environment, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, buying behavior research paper, 3 1 L Anne.
Rook, Jung,G. Lantz, and S. Loeb, An Exploratory Investigation into Impulse Buying Behavior in a Transitional Economy: A Study of Urban Consumers in Vietnam, Journal of International Marketing, buying behavior research paper, 11 2 Ferrell, Impulse buying: modeling its precursors, Journal of Retailing, 74, Chen, M.
The determinants and traits of Impulsive buying behaviour, Journal of Takming University, AUTHOR PROFILE Dr. Shweta Choudhary did her M. from D. in There after having industry exposure with a multinational company for 1 year she taught in D. as a Management Faculty —Marketing, for more than 3 years. Presently she is associated buying behavior research paper Shri G.
S, Indore M, buying behavior research paper. in Management Department as Assistant Professor- Marketing. Related Papers Computer Science and Management Studies By AYASHA BANKA Stimulating Factors of Impulse Buying Behavior: A Literature Review By Mustafa Ünsalan. The pulse of the impulsive buying behaviour: New strategic perspective, buying behavior research paper, 3 rd CROMAR Congress Marketing in a dynamic environment -academic and practical insights By Александр Олифиров.
The pulse of the impulsive buying behavior: new strategic perspective By Lara Jelenc and Ana Ančić. Download pdf. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board Advertise We're Hiring! Help Center Find new research papers in: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science Terms Privacy Copyright Academia ©
Consumer Behaviour
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The paper "Buying Behavior Types" Is a wonderful example of a Marketing Research Paper. Consumers have four main types of buying behavior influenced by different factors relating to consumer needs. This behavior includes; complex behavior, dissonance tendencies, variety-seeking, and habitual purchasing traits behavior Mar 15, · Essay on Consumer Buying Behavior and Decision Making Process Research Paper Consumer behavior is one of the major dynamics in the felid of business today. All organizations aim to achieving customer attention and blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Oct 08, · Consumer behavior research identifies a general model of buying behavior that depicts the processes used by consumers in making a purchase decision (Vrender, ). Those designs are paramount to the marketer as they can explain and predict consumer purchase blogger.com by: 73
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